At RCLC, providing information, advice, and support is crucial to our mission. Many of our learners face challenges that extend beyond their educational needs. Our centre is a trusted resource for women dealing with issues such as benefits, domestic violence, and immigration.
Navigating a complex and unfamiliar society can be overwhelming, especially for women with limited language skills and little experience outside the home. Our outreach workers offer personalised support, helping learners tackle problems that impact their ability to access learning and support locally. This includes assistance with forms, understanding statutory processes, and accessing specialist agencies for housing, benefits, sexual violence, and immigration issues.
We have strong relationships with local organisations and community groups, including CommuniCare, Reading Refugee Support Group, New Directions Adult Learning, local GPs, Healthwatch, the National Careers Service, Reading Welfare Rights, Readifood, Christian Community Action, Together Outreach and Mustard Tree.
Each term, tutors, RCLC staff discuss progression opportunities with our learners.
If you would like to access our Outreach services please contact us.
Empowering women by supporting them to take steps to learn English is at the heart of what we do. A major focus of the Centre is to provide educational opportunities for women who have had little or no education experience. Our emphasis is on creating ways to introduce even those with very limited language and literacy skills to take their first steps into education. This may mean starting with a sewing class or a craft activity to build confidence and experience of learning before even attempting to start a formal language course.
Our learners come from over 40 countries, and start from all different levels and abilities.
To join RCLC classes please contact the office to make an appointment or discuss your learning/ support needs:
Email: rclcinfo@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: 0118 959 5455
Once you have been offered a place on a course please download and complete the forms below and then email them to us. If you need help with the forms, please get in touch
RCLC offers a variety of courses designed to support women’s education and personal development.
Here are some of the key courses:
- Reading and Writing Courses: Structured classes to improve literacy and language skills, tailored to different proficiency levels.
- English Conversation Courses: Less formal classes, tailored more towards learning how to speak English with confidence, and how to use the spoken language in everyday life.
- IT Skills: Courses in areas such as computer skills, mobile phone skills, and other useful digital skills for running a household or working towards getting a job.
- Health and Wellness Courses: Sessions on topics like beauty for confidence, mental health, and physical fitness to promote overall well-being.
- Sewing Classes: Suitable for those with even very limited language skills, a great way to start your learning at RCLC and make something beautiful
Our current course schedule can be found here:
These courses aim to provide a holistic approach to education, ensuring that women not only gain knowledge but also build confidence and practical skills for their personal lives, and for employment skills where these are relevant.
All our staff and volunteers have full employment checks, including DBS, references, identity, and qualifications prior to starting work at the Centre, checked and verified, in line with our safeguarding policy. All our tutors and creche workers are qualified in accordance with national guidelines.

The links below will connect you to other organisations who can support with learning and advice:
Learning and education
Advice and support
Women’s Resource Centre Member Organisations
Berkshire West Breathing Space Crisis Services Leaflet
Christian Community Action (CCA)
Churches in Reading Drop in Centre
NHS Health Publications (in different languages)
Reading Council Education and Children (BFFC)

At RCLC, we take great pride in offering outstanding creche support for the children of our learners, aged from 4 months to 4 years old, so parents and carers can learn while their young children are cared for nearby.
Our creche is more than just a childcare facility; it’s a warm, secure, and nurturing environment where young children can flourish.
For many children, our creche is their first encounter with the English language, making the setting a pivotal part of their early educational journey. Here, they not only learn a new language but also develop crucial social and emotional skills. These foundational experiences are essential for their growth and help ensure a smooth and confident transition to primary school.
To apply for a place in the creche, please download our application form here, and email the completed form to us.
RCLC is amazing. It’s such a fantastic resource and the best place to ask questions and get the right answers.