Helping us to help people

We are immensely grateful to all of our supporters and funders, whose generous support has been crucial to our ongoing success. The unwavering commitment and passionate work ethic of our staff, trustees, and volunteers have been instrumental in achieving our goals.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the future and hopeful that we can achieve even more for our learners.


Our sustained programme of activities has been made possible thanks to the grants and contracts from the following organisations:

  • Reading Borough Council
  • NLDC Grant from New Directions College
  • The National Lottery
  • The Multiply Project (Funded by New Directions on behalf of Reading’s Economy and Destination Agency (REDA))
  • The AB Charitable Trust
  • University of Reading (CareWell Research Project) 
  • Garfield Weston
  • Shanly Foundation
  • Anton Jurgens Trust
  • University of Reading Community Fund
  • Mayor of Reading
  • Gerald Palmer Eling Trust
  • Marsh Charitable Trust
  • Berkshire Community Foundation
  • Cumber Family Trust

RCLC has been fortunate to retain our dedicated staff throughout the year, ensuring continuity and stability in our services. The trustees are deeply appreciative of this steadfast commitment.




We are actively seeking female volunteers. Whether you’re interested in office support, working directly with our centre users, being a classroom volunteer, a creche volunteer, or becoming a trustee, there are numerous opportunities to match your interests. Contact our office to explore these opportunities – all volunteers are fully supported with training and previous experience is not necessary. Alternatively, please complete the volunteer application form and email it to us or bring it to the learning centre office in person. We look forward to hearing from you!



Last year, we supported over 1400 women, including 507 learners from 41 countries. We offered 43 diverse courses, including specialised programs like seated exercise, ESOL Skills for Health, Mental Health First Aid, and health workshops. Each course costs RCLC about £327 per learner, meaning that raising enough funding to keep delivering our services is a constant challenge.




Fundraising for a cause you believe in can be fun and rewarding, helping you to develop useful skills whilst also supporting those in need. You can find lots of ideas to start you off here – if there’s something you’d like to organise, or if you have any other ideas, please just get in touch.



Join us in spreading our message! Tell all your friends about the important work we do, and like and share our Facebook page


The past year has been one of growth and achievement for RCLC. We are immensely grateful to our funders, volunteers, and staff for their unwavering support and dedication. As we look forward to the coming year, we are confident that we will continue to make a significant impact in the lives of ethnic minority women and their families in Reading.

The impact of our courses are evidenced by our review of learner data:

  • Increased skills, including English language skills, confidence and independence, allowing women to be more resilient, active and empowered members of their community 
  • Making new friends with women from different backgrounds, thus feeling less isolated more connected by building stronger social networks 
  • Feeling happier, with reduced stress and depression, improved mental health and feeling more supported and able to ask for help.

Feedback from our learners’ end of course evaluations over 2023/24 shows our impact:

  • 100% felt they had improved their confidence and language skills.
  • 98% felt health had improved since coming to the classes.
  • 90% said that they would like to do more courses, volunteering or get a job.



More information about our impact over the last year is available in our Annual Report.

In addition to providing core services, RCLC also strives to influence policy and service development in Reading. We advocate for our learners and support them in voicing their concerns and ideas directly to agencies and organisations. Our team includes ex-learners and staff trained as researchers to address issues faced by ethnic minority and refugee women in our community.


Our core programme leads to significant long-term outcomes. Learners can pursue advanced education or employment, boosting their confidence, independence, and economic wellbeing. Additionally, our services foster wider societal benefits. Improved English skills enable our women to participate more fully in local society, breaking down barriers to racial relations and enhancing community cohesion. Our learners play a vital role in enriching Reading’s cultural diversity.





1) Before I came here I had no me time. This is for me and I’m very happy about that because I’m doing something for myself. Sometimes I feel sad as I don’t do anything for myself, but when I come to lessons I feel happy


2) Life was difficult without electricity and money in Nepal. I moved here to support my family and to seek better opportunities for my children. I did not go to school in Nepal and find it very difficult to learn English. One of our friends told us about the RCLC….I would like to improve my English to be able to communicate with health professionals and when shopping. I did not know any places and how to get there for shopping and other day to day necessities.


3)  I felt lonely and depressed before coming to RCLC because I had no friends and family members, was not able to communicate in English. I did not know who and where to go for an advice and information. Some of the institutions I found to learn English was very expensive, and I cannot afford to pay the fee.


4) Due to my mental health issues I find it difficult to communicate with others and make friends….I am hoping coming here will help me to get better and at the same time to improve my English language. I have been suffering with depression and social anxiety so do not go out much. I cant go to any places where there are many people. The life is very difficult and my mental health issues are effecting my physical health. Coming to RCLC has helped me to meet people, make friends and learn English


5) The best thing about RCLC is the support it provides.For example, the language classes have really helped me. The staff is very understanding and patient, which makes learning easier.


6)The staff and tutors are very helpful and understanding. They make learning enjoyable and accessible.

7) RCLC is a good place for women who do not have confidence to go to other educational institutes. It provides a friendly and supportive environment to learn.

8) The resources and facilities are excellent, and the staff is very knowledgeable and approachable.


9) The best thing about RCLC is learning – it helps people to come here to learn English. Learning is not like school, it is more friendly and useful.


10) The RCLC is a good place.. they provide supportive and friendly environment for me to learn with my mental health issues.


11)If I don’t understand something I can ask them easily. I can ask for help as many times as I like.

12) Being here makes me happy and confident and improves my skills. It feeds me